I miei articoli scientifici- Piergiuseppe Vinai- .

La ricerca: i miei articoli scientifici

Ho raggruppato le mie pubblicazioni a seconda dei progetti di ricerca cui sono collegate, i principali argomenti di cui mi interesso sono la  SELF MIRRORING THERAPY, i disturbi alimentari, (principalmente OBESITA', BINGE EATING DISORDER & NIGHT EATING SYNDROME), ma, essendo una persona curiosa, i miei studi hanno veramente spaziato molto... forse anche troppo, in VARIE altre ricerche!



Frontiers in Psychology welcomes Professor Julie Dockrell as the ...Explicit and Implicit Responses of Seeing Own vs. Others’ Emotions: An Electromyographic Study on the Neurophysiological and Cognitive Basis of the Self-Mirroring Technique

A Vergallito G Mattavelli E Lo Gerfo S Anzani V Rovagnati M Speciale P Vinai P Vinai L Vinai L J. Romero Lauro. Frontiers in Psychology Published on line 31 Mar 2020

Interoception and Autonomic Correlates during Social Interactions. Implications for Anorexia.

Ambrosecchia M, Ardizzi M, Russo E, Ditaranto F, Speciale M, Vinai P, Todisco P, Maestro S, Gallese V. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 May 17;11:219. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00219. eCollection 2017.

L’inquadernitegrazione della Self Mirroring Therapy nel protocollo CBT per il trattamento del disturbo ossessivo compulsivo: un caso clinico. 
(Implementation of the CBT efficiency in treating DOC patients with the Self Mirroring Therapy: a case report.)
 Piergiuseppe Vinai, Maurizio Speciale, Michela Alibrandi
Quaderni di psicoterapia cognitiva 2016 Fascicolo: 38

TJOREhe Clinical Implications and Neurophysiological Background
of Using Self-Mirroring T
echnique to Enhance
the Identification of Emotional Experiences:
An Example with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy January 2015giero, V Gallese ckey, GM RugP Vinai, M Speciale, L Vinai, P Vinai, C Bruno, M Ambrosecchia, M Ardizzi, S La

Journal of Psychopathology
Validation of the Italian version of the Night Eating Questionnaire (I-NEQ)
 M. Aloi, M. Rania, P. De Fazio, P. Vinai, A. Tagliabue, K.C. Allison,  C. Segura-Garcia
 Journal of psycopathology 2017

AlexiEATING_BEHAVIORSthymia is not related to severity of night eating behavior: a useful distinction from other eating disorders. 
 Vinai P, Provini F, Antelmi E, Marcatelli M, Cardetti S, Vinai L, Vinai P, Bruno C, Speciale M,   Allison KC.  Eat Behav. 2015 Apr;17:94-8. doi: 0.1016/j.eatbeh.2015.01.012. 

New data on psychological traits and sleep profiles of patients affected by sleep_mednocturnal eating.
  P Vinai, R Ferri, M Anelli, L Ferini-Strambi, M Zucconi, A Oldani, M   Manconi. 
  Sleep Medicine (accepted December 4 2014)
 Nocturnal eating is part of the clinical spectrum of restless legs syndrome and an underestimated risk factor for increased body mass index.  
Antelm E, Vinai P, Pizza F, Marcatelli M, Speciale M, Provini F.
Sleep Med. Available online 1 December 2013

                Defining the borders between Sleep-Related Eating Disorder and Night Eating Syndrome 

Vinai P, Ferri R, Ferini-Strambi L,  Cardetti S, Anelli M, Vallauri P, Ferrato N, Zucconi M, Carpegna G, Manconi M 
Sleep Med. 2012 Jun;13(6):686-90. Epub 2012 Mar 26

 Clinical vappetitealidity of the descriptor: “Presence of a belief that one must eat 
in order to get to sleep” in diagnosing the Night Eating Syndrome

 Vinai P, Cardetti S, Studt S, Carpegna G, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Casey H, Vinai L, Vinai P, Ferini   Strambi L, Speciale M and Manconi M. 

 Appetite  Accepted 12 12 2013


eating_disordersProposed diagnostic criteria for night eating syndrome.

 Allison KC, Lundgren JD, O'Reardon JP, Geliebter A, Gluck ME, Vinai P, Mitchell JE, Schenck CH,   Howell MJ, Crow SJ, Engel S, Latzer Y, Tzischinsky O, Mahowald MW, Stunkard AJ.
 Int J Eat Disord. 2010 Apr;43(3):241-7

DailyEAT_DIS and nightly anxiety among patients affected by night eating syndrome and binge eating disorder.

  Sassaroli S, Ruggiero GM, Vinai P, Cardetti S, Carpegna G, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Masante D,   Scarone S, Bertelli S, Bidone R, Busetto L, Sampietro S. 
  Eat Disord. 2009 Mar-Apr;17(2):140-5.

What CHILD_AND_ADOLESCENTis Night Eating Syndrome? New Directions Toward a Unified Definition

 Allison KC, Latzer Y, Tzischinsky O, Vinai P.
 Int Jour. of Child and Adol. Health 2008 2 (2): 175-184



Psychopathology and treatment of night eating syndrome: a review.

 Vinai P, Allison KC, Cardetti S, Carpegna G, Ferrato N, Masante D, Vallauri P, Ruggiero GM,   Sassaroli S. Eat Weight Disord. 2008 Jun;13(2):54-63. Review. 



The EWDDSM-5 effect: psychological characteristics of new patients affected by Binge Eating Disorder following the criteria of the DSM-5 in a sample of severe obese patients.

 Vinai P, Da Ros A, Cardetti S, Casey H, Studt S, Gentile N, Tagliabue A, Vinai L, Vinai P, Bruno C,   Mansueto G, Palmieri S, Speciale M. Eat Weight Disord. 2016 Mar;21(1):107-13


PsEATING_BEHAVIORSychopathological characteristics of patients seeking for bariatric surgery, either affected or not by binge eating disorder following the criteria of the DSM IV TR and of the DSM 5. 

 Vinai P, Da Ros A, Speciale M, Gentile N, Tagliabue A, Vinai P, Bruno C, Vinai L, Studt S, Cardetti   S. Eat Behav. 2015 Jan;16:1.

noosLa terapia del binge eating disorder

 in "Il Binge Eating Disorder". P Vinai P. Todisco

 NOOS aggiornamenti in psichiatria vol. 15, Numero 2, Maggio-Agosto   2009 



CoNEUROENDICRONOLOGY_LETTERSgnitive-behavioral treatment reduces attrition in treatment-resistant obese women: results from a 6-month nested case-control study.

 Tagliabue A, Repossi I, Trentani C, Ferraris C, Martinelli V, Vinai P.
 Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2015;36(4):368-73.


Isnutrition_journal drop out from obesity treatment a predictableand prevebtable event? 

Colombo O, Ferretti V F, Ferrari C, Trentani C, Vinai P, Villani S Tagliabue A 
Nutrition Journal accepted 28 01 2014



Etbioethicshical considerations in deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction and overeating associated with obesity.


 Jared M. Pisapia, Casey H. Halpern, Ulf J. Muller, Piergiuseppe Vinai, John A. Wolf, Donald M.   Whiting, Thomas A. Wadden, Gordon H. Baltuch & Arthur L. Caplan  
 AJOB Neuroscience: Volume 4 Issue 2 - May 2013


Annals of SurgeryDurability of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: a meta r
egression study.

 H, Williams NN, Wadden TA, Stein SC. Attiah MA, Halpern CH, Balmuri U, Vinai P, Mehta S,   Baltuch G 
 Ann Surg. 2012 Aug;256(2):251-4 

"The next mouthful will be the best": influence of prevision of the pleasure on the decision of having a second helping of a just eaten food. 

 Vinai P, Vinai L, Vinai P, Bruno C, Studt S, Cardetti S, Masante D, Speciale M.
 Eat Weight Disord. 2015 Nov 24

Evaluation of alexithymia and depression in severe obese patients not affected by eating disorders.

 Da Ros A,  Vinai P, Gentile N, Forza G, Cardetti S. 
 Eat Weight Disord. 2011 Mar;16(1):e24-9.

Eyes are bigger than the stomach:
correlation betw
n body mass index, satiety, and prediction of satiety

Vinai P, Masante D, Cardetti S, Ferrato N, Vallaur P, Carpegna G, Sassaroli S, Ruggiero GM .
Eat Weight Disord. 2009 Dec;14(4):e231-3


PUBLIC_NUTRITIONHigh frequency of psychopathology in subjects wishing to lose weight: an observational study in Italian subjects.

 Martinelli V, Colombo O, Nichini C, Repossi I, Vinai P, Tagliabue A. 
 Public Health Nutr. 2011 Feb;14(2):373-6


L'obpsiobiettivoesità infantile. Eziologia, prevenzione e cura secondo il modello 
 P Vinai, S Cardetti, G Carpegna, N Ferrato, P Vallauri
 Psicobiettivo 2011


Food is EAT_DISnever enough: nature and nurture's influence on children's food dose evaluation. 

 Vinai P, Carpegna G, Cardetti S, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Masante D, Meister A, Ruggiero GM,  Sassaroli S. 
 Eat Disord. 2008 Mar-Apr;16(2):128-35.


Cocognitivismo_clinicontenuti metacognitivi dei disturbi alimentari e interazione con il perfezionismo, la bassa autostima e il rimuginio.

Sassaroli S, Bertelli S, Boccalari L, Sangiorgi E, Giovini M, Lamela C, Rebecchi D,
Scarone S, Vinai P, Ruggiero GM
Cognitivismo Clinico, n° 1 giugno 2007



Gemma Eftimiadi, Piergiuseppe Vinai and Costantino EftimiadiAUTOIMMUNE_DISORDERS 

 Staphylococcal Protein A as a Pharmacological Treatment for Autoimmune Disorders
 Journal of autoimmune disorders Aug. 2017


StaphFRONTIERS_PSYCHIATRYylococcus aureus Colonization  Modulates Tic Expression and the Host Immune Response in a Girl with Tourette Syndrome

Eftimiadi C, Eftimiadi G, Vinai P.
Front Psychiatry. 2016 Mar 14;7:31. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00031. 


The iEWDnfluence of stress on the relationship between cognitive variables and measures of eating disorders (in healthy female university students): a quasi-experimental study.

 Ruggiero GM, Bertelli S, Boccalari L, Centorame F, Ditucci A, La Mela C, Scarinci A,
 Vinai P, Scarone S, Sassaroli S.  
 Eat Weight Disord. 2008 Sep;13(3):142-8


copertina_bratPerfectionism in depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders.

Sassaroli S, Lauro LJ, Ruggiero GM, Mauri MC, Vinai P, Frost R.
Behav Res Ther. 2008 Jun;46(6):757-65.


VisuaEATING_BEHAVIORSl evaluation of food amount in patients affected by Anorexia Nervosa. 

 Vinai P, Cardetti S, Ferrato N, Vallauri P, Carpegna G, Masante D, Luxardi G, Todisco P, Manara   F, Ruggiero GM, Sassaroli S.
 Eat Behav. 2007 Aug;8(3):291-5.

 “Trapsicoterapia nasi di legno e cuori di pietra: Una lettura cognitivista della favola di Pinocchio”.

 Piergiuseppe Vinai Donatella Masante. 
 Psicoterapie n. 29, 2004 


“Lquadernia fatica di Sisifo. Insorgenza e mantenimento del senso di inadeguatezza in un caso di anoressia nervosa”. 

Piergiuseppe Vinai 
Quaderni di psicoterapia cognitiva n.° 10 marzo 2002

